Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Even this scares the crap out of me.

You would think my extreme fear of aquatic life wouldn't be affected by this...but it is.
The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society have put a life size blue whale online (complete with underwater sound effects). Working with a thumbnail, you can move over the body of the 180 ton giant. Now, my question is, why don't we designers do stuff like this more often? A huge version of a design project would allow online viewers to interact with the work in a way that almost overcomes the distancing factor of a screen, to get up close and personal, to see texture, tiny flaws of personality, fine print... Anyone know of any design-related big projects conceptually similar to the whale? I'd love to know about them.


William Couch said...

Upload full resolution PDFs of things you've designed/made and you can scroll around and see the design in all its glory:

William Couch said...

Better link to demonstrate what I mean: